Question: What Changes to Your Assessments Should Other Teachers Consider?
As assessment practices continue to evolve, reflecting on how you measure learning can help you better address students’ needs. Even a small change to your assessments can make a big difference. So, teachers, we’d love to know: What changes have you made recently that you think others should consider adopting?
Have you tried new ways to measure growth, shifted toward more project-based evaluations, or adopted other creative strategies? Maybe you’ve found a way to ease the grading workload or improve the quality of feedback you give students. Whatever positive changes you’ve made to your assessments, we want to know about them!
Whether you’re a veteran educator with tried-and-true tips or still experimenting with new ideas, we’d love to hear from you. This question is intended to support new teachers in our community, as well as others who may be struggling with assessment strategies. If that’s you, be sure to check the comments for ideas, advice, and support. Let’s come together to build a resource of practical, inspiring ideas!