Nil Battey Sannata or The New Classmate
Another key mention in our list of educational movies, Nil Battey Sannata is an endearing tale of a mother and daughter that describes the struggles of lower classes who understand the importance of education but face financial constraints in perusing it. The story revolves around Chanda, a single mother working as a maid and her teenage daughter Apu. Chanda has big dreams for her daughter Apu, but the latter dislikes studying and is unable to comprehend the sacrifices made by her mother. Hiding her laziness with the excuse of “a maid’s daughter will always be a maid”, Chanda gets triggered by her disinterest to study and decides to teach her a lesson by joining her school as a student much to Apu’s embarrassment. What this movie essentially teaches is to never limit one’s potential and learn to see life as it is and strive to be better!